
Showing posts from September, 2021

Case history -4

The case history is taken under the patients and her guardian consent . A 29 year old female came to casualty with complaint of fever , cold , cough, weakness, dizziness , short of breath and sweating. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently well and asymptomatic 5 days back. Patient complaints of fever, cold and generalised weakness from 5 days .  Patient complaints of dizziness from 4 days. Patient complaints of shortness of breath and sweating from 2 days. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: Patient complaints of having gall bladder stones 6years back and then underwent a surgery. Patient complaints of  detection of intramural fibroid at the posterior upper body and fundal region 4 months back under ultrasound. Patients has grade one and grade two fatty liver  Under sonography , patient was detected with minimal free fluid in post operative  delirium region which suggests  pelvic inflammatory disease four months back. No history of sore throat, constipation or loose stools and post

Case history 3

 A 30 years old male for brought to casualty with  complaint of fever for 3 days and chills. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : Patient complaints of abdominal pain and epigastric pain  Patient complaints of low grade and continuous type of fever associated with chills and headache . Patient is not associated with vomiting and loose stools. Patient visited a RMP and received an injection for fever that caused subsided fever temporary.Patient complaints of fever again in the evening  along with chills. So patient admitted in the local hospital and on investigation in local hospital he was identified with low platelet count and given fluids but still his platelet count was decreased to 14,000. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Patient complaints of covid -19 postive one year back and was admitted in the hospital for fever, cough, shortness of breath for which HRCT was done ( High resolution computer tomography) . He was managed with D2 remdesvir injection and 6 doses were given . Patient complaints of inc